Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Risky business
We've all heard those cliché phrases: Life is short. Carpe diem. YOLO. Then there is the counter idea that life is the longest thing you'll ever do. Which do you live by? Is 80 years long enough for you? None of us are guaranteed 80, 90, or any amount of years on this earth. I believe that life is fragile, that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and therefore we should seize the day. Not to say that we should make horrible or selfish decisions and blame it on living life to the fullest, but why not take a chance and train for that half-marathon (or a full one!)? Or travel to Venice before it sinks under the sea (I'm not sure if that's a rumor I believe or not)? Or attend a cooking class? Or try that new Greek restaurant? Life doesn't have to be monotonous where you wake up at 5, go to the gym (or snooze and wake up again at 6:30), work from 8-5, make dinner, kiss your kids good night, and start it all over the next day. To me life isn't about how much money you make or what kind of car you drive or how big your house is or how nice the clothes that hang in your closet are; life is about making memories, taking chances, and doing new things that might scare you a little (ordering a falafel or skydiving: both scare me). When I'm 80 I want to look back at my life and think "what an adventure!" instead of "geez, I wish I'd done that." So I encourage you to get out there and try something new! I think I'll start with a falafel for lunch.
carpe diem,
risk taker,
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Backyard BBQ Fun
Here in Oklahoma we've been having some record-breaking high-temps, but don't let that deter you from entertaining some friends with good food and drink. Throwing a BBQ is easy and fun, and if you're in the middle stages of wedding planning, it'll help you to relax and enjoy some down time with your fiancé and friends.
Food and drink calculator:
For the food you'll want to get about 1 1/2 servings of the main dish per person (burger, hot dog, sandwich). You'll also want 1 1/2 cups of each side dish per person (salad, coleslaw, beans).
For every 25 people you'll need to have 2 big platters of pre-cut fruits and veggies plus a few bowls of chips for extra munchies.
For the drinks you'll need 1 1/2 drinks per hour per guest (if the math is getting too crazy, you can always just round up to 2 drinks--always assume people will drink more).
For every 25 people you'll want 2 gallons of water/lemonade/iced tea/soda in addition to the alcohol. If you're not serving alcohol then you'll want to do 4 gallons.
Now it's time to set the scene:
It seems like mosquitoes have deemed Oklahoma their breeding ground, but they can be defeated. The week before the party get rid of any standing water in the garden and gutters (shouldn't be hard since this summer we've hardly had any rain). Plug some fans in the day of the party. If you're serving the food on your deck set up two or three fans around the perimeter and even a small one near the food. You can also set up tiki torches that repel bugs and have some bug wipes on hand (be sure they're the kind that don't smell) for guests.
If your deck doesn't have a lot of lighting already then you'll need to add some so guests aren't left in the dark. Put strands of light on the deck, the fence, and in the trees. You can also put tealights on the tables and around the deck.
We've mentioned Oklahoma's crazy summer heat a few times, but what happens if guests complain? Have some handheld fans on hand (in a nearby basket) for guests to grab if things get too intense. You can also buy some cheap washcloths, roll them up and secure with a rubber band, and throw them into a cooler full of ice water. When a guest needs to cool down after tossing the frisbie with Fido they can grab one and put it on the back of their neck or on their wrists.
Ah, now for the music. If you're using speakers have them spread out and at a lower level (no one wants music blasting right at ear level). If you have a boom box or an iPod dock turn it toward the house, make it a little louder, and sound will carry better. As for the type(s) of music think about who you're entertaining. If you all like the same genre then you know exactly who to play, but if you have an eclectic mix of people then sticking with the classics is a safe and smart bet. Who doesn't like a little Rolling Stones, Beatles, Michael Jackson, or Stevie Wonder?
So get to planning, drink plenty of water, and show your guests a good time!
Food and drink calculator:
For the food you'll want to get about 1 1/2 servings of the main dish per person (burger, hot dog, sandwich). You'll also want 1 1/2 cups of each side dish per person (salad, coleslaw, beans).
For every 25 people you'll need to have 2 big platters of pre-cut fruits and veggies plus a few bowls of chips for extra munchies.
For the drinks you'll need 1 1/2 drinks per hour per guest (if the math is getting too crazy, you can always just round up to 2 drinks--always assume people will drink more).
For every 25 people you'll want 2 gallons of water/lemonade/iced tea/soda in addition to the alcohol. If you're not serving alcohol then you'll want to do 4 gallons.
Now it's time to set the scene:
It seems like mosquitoes have deemed Oklahoma their breeding ground, but they can be defeated. The week before the party get rid of any standing water in the garden and gutters (shouldn't be hard since this summer we've hardly had any rain). Plug some fans in the day of the party. If you're serving the food on your deck set up two or three fans around the perimeter and even a small one near the food. You can also set up tiki torches that repel bugs and have some bug wipes on hand (be sure they're the kind that don't smell) for guests.
If your deck doesn't have a lot of lighting already then you'll need to add some so guests aren't left in the dark. Put strands of light on the deck, the fence, and in the trees. You can also put tealights on the tables and around the deck.
We've mentioned Oklahoma's crazy summer heat a few times, but what happens if guests complain? Have some handheld fans on hand (in a nearby basket) for guests to grab if things get too intense. You can also buy some cheap washcloths, roll them up and secure with a rubber band, and throw them into a cooler full of ice water. When a guest needs to cool down after tossing the frisbie with Fido they can grab one and put it on the back of their neck or on their wrists.
Ah, now for the music. If you're using speakers have them spread out and at a lower level (no one wants music blasting right at ear level). If you have a boom box or an iPod dock turn it toward the house, make it a little louder, and sound will carry better. As for the type(s) of music think about who you're entertaining. If you all like the same genre then you know exactly who to play, but if you have an eclectic mix of people then sticking with the classics is a safe and smart bet. Who doesn't like a little Rolling Stones, Beatles, Michael Jackson, or Stevie Wonder?
So get to planning, drink plenty of water, and show your guests a good time!
backyard bbq,
drink stations,
easy parties,
fun parties,
party planning
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I know I'm forgetting something, but what??
Obviously with the hundreds of other things on your mind you're bound to forget a few things that might have people feeling left out or could leave you in a bind so we've compiled a little list of the top things brides tend to forget amongst all that wedding planning.
1. What are you doing right after the wedding?
Most newlyweds aren't boarding a flight directly after their reception so where do you plan on spending the night? Do you want the party with all your friends to continue at a club? Or do you just want to get a good night's rest? Make sure to plan this in advance so you aren't wasting time planning in the parking lot outside your reception venue.
2. Pack an overnight bag
If you're flying out the next day, you don't want to mess up everything in that luggage (especially if you folded everything neatly according to our ___________ blog) by digging in it for a travel outfit. Pack a separate small bag, and see if your maid of honor or a friend can drop it off at the hotel early so you don't have to worry about it being in the getaway car, etc.
3. What are you doing the day after the wedding?
Where are you going? Flying? Driving? Do you need your passport? Make sure everything you need is packed in advance, and that your bag is already at your hotel. If you're not going on a honeymoon right away, enjoy the weekend, and tackle thank-you's the next week.
4. Who's taking care of your presents, toasting flutes, extra favors, leftover food, etc.?
Have a plan set for your parents or whoever to take home the extra food and maybe have a get-together the next day to eat it up, or have someone drop it off at a local shelter or soup kitchen. And make sure whoever is taking your presents and memorabilia has a key to your place. Also, most importantly, have someone pick up your dress from the hotel, or if you changed before you left the reception have them take it home and get it cleaned and preserved, if you choose to do that. The sooner the cleaners works on any stains the better.
5. Decide where everything goes
When you meet with us, we have a detail meeting where we discuss exactly how you want the room set for your big day. We'll discuss options for the bar, your favors, your departure item (anything but sparklers), etc. so that way we both know what's happening the day of and can keep things flowing smoothly.
6. Extra decorating
We take care of the centerpieces for you, but if you want to add something extra to the cake and food tables (shells and net for a beach-themed reception?) bring it in to use early, and we can set it out for you! Our bathrooms each have a nice vase filled with silk flowers, but if you want to add some mementos (framed pictures, signature candle scent, etc.) you can.
7. Gifts for the wedding party
These people have dedicated a lot of time, energy, and money of their own to help in your special day so it's nice to honor them with small gifts of thanks. Typically the bride buys for her bridesmaids, her parents, his parents, and the groom himself. Then the groom buys for his groomsmen, his parents, her parents, and the bride. Just something small that says "I love and appreciate you" (for the girls it can be the jewelry they wear in the wedding, a clutch, a personalized picture frame--your budget, your friends, your choice).
8. Marriage certificate
Different states have different laws about how far in advance you can request a marriage license as well as when and where you can pick it up. Make sure you, or someone you trust, is in charge of picking it up and getting it to the wedding venue so you, your groom, your officiant, and your witnesses can sign it. Generally your officiant will mail this off for you, but if they won't, make sure you know where it's going and that it gets there so everything is legal.
9. Confirm everyone's timeline
One week before the wedding check with your venue, your limo company, your caterer, your baker--everyone involved. Make sure they're all on schedule and on the same page. Also check with your bridal party; make sure they know what time to arrive to the wedding venue, what time pictures start, when the ceremony begins, etc. Day-of wedding coordinators can be miracle workers; if your venue doesn't provide one consider asking/hiring one of your organized friends to perform the task. That way they're keeping everyone on schedule, and you can worry about looking beautiful.
1. What are you doing right after the wedding?
Most newlyweds aren't boarding a flight directly after their reception so where do you plan on spending the night? Do you want the party with all your friends to continue at a club? Or do you just want to get a good night's rest? Make sure to plan this in advance so you aren't wasting time planning in the parking lot outside your reception venue.
2. Pack an overnight bag
If you're flying out the next day, you don't want to mess up everything in that luggage (especially if you folded everything neatly according to our ___________ blog) by digging in it for a travel outfit. Pack a separate small bag, and see if your maid of honor or a friend can drop it off at the hotel early so you don't have to worry about it being in the getaway car, etc.
3. What are you doing the day after the wedding?
Where are you going? Flying? Driving? Do you need your passport? Make sure everything you need is packed in advance, and that your bag is already at your hotel. If you're not going on a honeymoon right away, enjoy the weekend, and tackle thank-you's the next week.
4. Who's taking care of your presents, toasting flutes, extra favors, leftover food, etc.?
Have a plan set for your parents or whoever to take home the extra food and maybe have a get-together the next day to eat it up, or have someone drop it off at a local shelter or soup kitchen. And make sure whoever is taking your presents and memorabilia has a key to your place. Also, most importantly, have someone pick up your dress from the hotel, or if you changed before you left the reception have them take it home and get it cleaned and preserved, if you choose to do that. The sooner the cleaners works on any stains the better.
5. Decide where everything goes
When you meet with us, we have a detail meeting where we discuss exactly how you want the room set for your big day. We'll discuss options for the bar, your favors, your departure item (anything but sparklers), etc. so that way we both know what's happening the day of and can keep things flowing smoothly.
6. Extra decorating
We take care of the centerpieces for you, but if you want to add something extra to the cake and food tables (shells and net for a beach-themed reception?) bring it in to use early, and we can set it out for you! Our bathrooms each have a nice vase filled with silk flowers, but if you want to add some mementos (framed pictures, signature candle scent, etc.) you can.
7. Gifts for the wedding party
These people have dedicated a lot of time, energy, and money of their own to help in your special day so it's nice to honor them with small gifts of thanks. Typically the bride buys for her bridesmaids, her parents, his parents, and the groom himself. Then the groom buys for his groomsmen, his parents, her parents, and the bride. Just something small that says "I love and appreciate you" (for the girls it can be the jewelry they wear in the wedding, a clutch, a personalized picture frame--your budget, your friends, your choice).
8. Marriage certificate
Different states have different laws about how far in advance you can request a marriage license as well as when and where you can pick it up. Make sure you, or someone you trust, is in charge of picking it up and getting it to the wedding venue so you, your groom, your officiant, and your witnesses can sign it. Generally your officiant will mail this off for you, but if they won't, make sure you know where it's going and that it gets there so everything is legal.
9. Confirm everyone's timeline
One week before the wedding check with your venue, your limo company, your caterer, your baker--everyone involved. Make sure they're all on schedule and on the same page. Also check with your bridal party; make sure they know what time to arrive to the wedding venue, what time pictures start, when the ceremony begins, etc. Day-of wedding coordinators can be miracle workers; if your venue doesn't provide one consider asking/hiring one of your organized friends to perform the task. That way they're keeping everyone on schedule, and you can worry about looking beautiful.
last minute weddings,
marriage license,
to do list,
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Take a sip
Alcohol is the obvious drink of choice at wedding receptions, but how about trying something different like a soda bar or a lemonade station? These can be done on a budget and can be set up as self-serve stations so no one has to be hired to oversee it.
1. Soda bar
Buy a bunch of soda either in your wedding colors (grape and orange?) or do a multitude like in this picture. If you have more money to spend you can get personalized bottles and once the drink is gone guests can take them home as their favors. Find some cute striped straws (online you can buy in bulk and save money), and there you go!
Soda Bar
2. Custom lemonade station
Perfect for an outside summer wedding, you can use either pink or regular lemonade (or both!) then have either bottles of flavors or fresh fruit (or both!) to add to the drinks. Even better is serving them in canning jars with, again, striped straws. Super cute and super refreshing!
Lemonade Stand
3. Coffee bar
Now, this can be done a few different ways, depending on your budget. There are companies that provide a coffee bar with custom drinks (you pick how many you want on the menu), and a barista makes them on site. To do it yourself have coffee brewed and in urns then have add-ins available: cinnamon sticks, chocolate shavings, vanilla, honey, whipped cream, flavored creamers, and anything else you can think of. If you want to get really overzealous you can buy an espresso/latte machine and have milk and coffee beans out for guests to make their own lattes. Then you'll have the machine to take home and use!
Coffee Bar
4. Tea bar
Have hot water available and several options of tea flavors out. You can have spices, honey, sugar, and creamer out also for guests who want to experiment and need to sweeten their tea.
Tea Bar
As always, have fun and create something that reflects your style and your wedding's theme.
1. Soda bar
Buy a bunch of soda either in your wedding colors (grape and orange?) or do a multitude like in this picture. If you have more money to spend you can get personalized bottles and once the drink is gone guests can take them home as their favors. Find some cute striped straws (online you can buy in bulk and save money), and there you go!
Soda Bar
2. Custom lemonade station
Perfect for an outside summer wedding, you can use either pink or regular lemonade (or both!) then have either bottles of flavors or fresh fruit (or both!) to add to the drinks. Even better is serving them in canning jars with, again, striped straws. Super cute and super refreshing!
Lemonade Stand
3. Coffee bar
Now, this can be done a few different ways, depending on your budget. There are companies that provide a coffee bar with custom drinks (you pick how many you want on the menu), and a barista makes them on site. To do it yourself have coffee brewed and in urns then have add-ins available: cinnamon sticks, chocolate shavings, vanilla, honey, whipped cream, flavored creamers, and anything else you can think of. If you want to get really overzealous you can buy an espresso/latte machine and have milk and coffee beans out for guests to make their own lattes. Then you'll have the machine to take home and use!
Coffee Bar
4. Tea bar
Have hot water available and several options of tea flavors out. You can have spices, honey, sugar, and creamer out also for guests who want to experiment and need to sweeten their tea.
Tea Bar
As always, have fun and create something that reflects your style and your wedding's theme.
budget wedding,
coffee bar,
customized weddings,
drink stations,
fun parties,
lemonade stand,
lemonade station,
tea bags,
tea bar,
tea station,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Engagement pics
There is at least one friend who posted their engagement pictures on Facebook, and you were in shock over how gorgeous they turned out. Now it's your turn to start thinking about your own engagement pictures, and you're ransacking your closet (and his) to find something perfect so you too can be the envy of girls on Facebook.
Here are a few tips we've gathered from looking at our own friends' pictures and separating what worked from what didn't:
1. Pick out colors that go well together. Your outfits don't have to be matchy-matchy (two black shirts with jeans and black Converse...snooze), but if they look well together in person then they'll look well together in photos. (Still worried? Ask your fashion major friend or ask your artistic cousin to come over and help coordinate.)
2. Don't be afraid of bold, bright colors. Black is slimming and safe, but it tends to be drab in photos. If you want something safer think about a pink top and have him neutrals (gray or tan). I have also seen a few where couples have worn white (she's in a white dress and he's in a white shirt with jeans or khakis), but white can be just as drab as black so be careful.
3. If you're having someone do your makeup on your wedding day, have this day set up as a practice session. You'll want extra makeup on anyway, and makeup artists are trained to understand good lighting and help bring out your natural beauty for photos.
4. Have a cute dress but it's covered in tiny sailboats? Why not wear it and have your photo shoot down by the lake? Print can be just as fun as the bold colors, but make sure it's the right kind of print for your body shape. To balance out the patteren have your man in something solid.
5. Going with the sailboat dress and having it by the lake is called having a "theme." It's cute and will help your photos looked planned and well-thought out; last thing you want is for friends to look at your photos and "disaster" is the first word that pops to mind.
6. Options! What girl doesn't like a few options? Bring at least one other outfit, if not two or three, to show your photographer and get his/her opinion on set before changing.
7. Have fun with accessories. Pick ultra-feminine options to soften a casual look, and again, try out bright colors. I have seen couples get away with minimalistic shoots, wearing white and no jewelry, but, again, that can be a risk.
8. Try out some layers. Put a cardigan or a blazer over that dress. Have him wear a button-up under a sweater.
9. Above all, wear something you like! Don't try to be someone you're not and don't try to stick your fiancé in a suit if he prefers jeans and t-shirts. People viewing your photos will be able to tell you're uncomfortable, and you'll have these around forever so you want them to look good and reflect who the two of you really are.
color schemes,
egagement pics,
wedding colors,
wedding pictures
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Packing for the Honeymoon
If you're planning on leaving for your honeymoon soon after the wedding, packing might be the last thing on your mind. So there you are the morning of your flight, throwing as many clothes, shoes, and necessities will fit in your suitcase, leaving you stressed and struggling to pull the zipper shut. Because we hate the thought of you stressing out more than is necessary (stress-free is our motto!), here are some great tips to make packing for your trip easier.
- Pack three tops for every bottom. It's easier to wear skirts and pants more than once, and when you change your shirt no one will really notice.
- Stick to a certain color scheme so everything can easily be mixed and matched. Have a few neutral shades and then throw in some fun darker shades. Darker colors hide stains (you might not have time to go back to the hotel to change after spilling BBQ on your shirt) and can easily be worn from day to night.
- As for shoes--don't grimace; it's not as bad you think!--you should pack three pairs: sneakers (for random hikes, all-day sightseeing, etc.), flats or sandals (are you going to Colorado or Hawaii?), and heels or wedges (wedges are more versatile and comfortable, but heels are more formal). Again, stick with neutral colors and black; they'll go with everything!
- Try to avoid bulky clothes; (obviously) they take up more room. If you're going somewhere chilly or with tempermental weather, bring clothes you can layer: tanks, tees, cardigans, thin sweaters.
- Bring versatile items. Tanks that look well with jeans and skirts so they can be worn all day (or multiple days).
- Adding fun accessories will also help change up your outfit (for those of you worried about being "outfit repeaters"). They'll draw everyone's attention away from your clothes and will make your outfit look fresh.
- Think about how each clothing item will hold up. Is this blouse going to come out of the suitcase crinkled after a five hour flight? Just in case you can always bring a travel-size Downy wrinkle-release spray.
- lay the shirt facedown and flat
- fold each sleeve across the front so arms make an X and the shirt is now a rectangle
- fold the shirt vertically (hot dog-style, anyone?) and smooth out the wrinkles
- roll tightly from the hem to the collar
- fold in half lengthwise so pockets are on the outside
- roll from the hem to the waistband
- if the dress has sleeves, fold them across the front (like a shirt)
- fold garment in half lengthwise
- roll from the bottom hem up
- zip it
- roll it like a top, squeezing out all the air
- put a rubber band around it so it won't come undone while you're packing the rest
- bonus: put it in a pillow case and it makes a nice headrest on the plane
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Inspiration can come from many places. A trip you took to Hawaii as a kid may have left you loving coconuts and hibiscus and wanting to incorporate those into your reception. A piece of fabric at Hobby Lobby or your grandmother's china pattern. Anything and everything can be inspiration. One of our couples this month met at a Starbucks, though neither of them are big coffee fans, and that inspired many things incorporated into their reception.
Since meeting at Starbucks had left both of them changed forever, Bill planned a surprise proposal for Tosha at the same Starbucks. Starbucks gave him special permission to lead Tosha to their special table with a trail of rose petals. As she sat in the chair where she had sat on their first meeting he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Another customer in the shop caught the whole thing on video! For the reception they wanted coffee beans in all the vases, at the base of the flowers and encompassing pillar candles. The groom's cake was even a giant Starbucks cup!
Let your life inspire you.
Since meeting at Starbucks had left both of them changed forever, Bill planned a surprise proposal for Tosha at the same Starbucks. Starbucks gave him special permission to lead Tosha to their special table with a trail of rose petals. As she sat in the chair where she had sat on their first meeting he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Another customer in the shop caught the whole thing on video! For the reception they wanted coffee beans in all the vases, at the base of the flowers and encompassing pillar candles. The groom's cake was even a giant Starbucks cup!
Let your life inspire you.
customized weddings,
fun parties,
wedding colors,
wedding fun
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Slideshow or Slide-snooze?
A timeless trend for wedding receptions is the slideshow presentation. Family and friends love reminiscing over old family photos and good times had on vacations. This also allows your guests to view your journey from singlehood to meeting your mate. Start with baby pictures then work up to the time you two met and took pictures together. You can even add some of your engagement photos and bridal portraits, if you choose. Most venues have some way of playing your DVD (though it may cost extra). At The Hamilton Event Center we have a BluRay DVD player (don't worry, it plays regular DVD's too) that is hooked up to our 2 flat scren TV's so your guests can easily see the pictures. We can also hook the TV's up to your laptop.
- Download photos from camera onto computer
- Import photos into PowerPoint or Keynote
- Save and burn to disc
Easy peasy, right? Sure, but what if you could make your slideshow even cooler with just as much effort as it took to make that boring, same-old same-old slideshow? Don't resort to using the "slide in from right" and "checkboard fade out" options. Animoto features some really cool options to make your slideshow cutting edge without giving your viewers whiplash.
You first choose the style of slideshow you want (their free site has lots of options to match your style, but you can always upgrade to their paid site for even more options and features). Then you're going to choose which images from your computer you want in the slideshow. Next it's going to ask you to choose some background music for your slideshow. Lots of different genres and options here as well. The only catch is your slideshow needs to be as long as your song; if it isn't then some of your pictures may not show up in the final product. (Read further to find out how you can work your way around this.) Now you can preview your slideshow, have it emailed to yourself, and also share on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
A fun twist to any slideshow (made in PowerPoint or Animoto) is to make slides featuring trivia about you and your groom. If you have a picture of the two of you on a date eating ice cream tell the guests your favorite flavors on the next slide. If he's afraid of roller coasters, let us know! Your guests will enjoy learning new things about you guys. (You can save the trivia slides as pictures and upload them to Animoto as such.)
Back to looping those songs...this may take some Googling and calling your tech-savvy friends, but if you have a Mac you can use Garage Band to merge two songs together or to make the same song play twice.
Don't make this too hard so it becomes you spend hours stressing over! If you have a friend who is really good with computers and technology ask if they wouldn't mind helping out in this area. Don't be afraid to delegate!
customized weddings,
fun parties,
wedding fun,
wedding pictures,
wedding slideshows
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Bling bling ring
Check out these awesome wedding bands--colorful, edgy, and challenging tradition.
18-karat rose-gold band with pink sapphires and diamonds
18-karat yellow gold band with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires and beaded detail
18-karat white gold band with any combinations of sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds
18-karat gold ring with sapphires and diamonds
As always, your ring should reflect your style and your taste. It's a symbol of the two of you starting your new life together, and it will be something you'll treasure always.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Going the non-traditional route
If you're tired of going to weddings that just seem to be a repeat of the wedding you went to last weekend, maybe you're more of a non-traditional bride. Whether you want to make subtle changes by walking down the aisle to a more non-traditional song or whether you want to go completely against tradition and have a themed wedding where guests where costumes and have to be in character, it's totally up to. The possibilities are endless, and at the end of the day all that matters is that the marriage license is signed and that you and your guests had fun.
Here are some other ideas for ways to step out of the traditional box (some are extreme and some are more subdued):
Here are some other ideas for ways to step out of the traditional box (some are extreme and some are more subdued):
- Give your guests some warning as to what type of wedding you'll be having by sending out some fun invitations. Check out Off Beat Bride for ideas on wording.
- Pick a theme (something you and your groom love: superheroes, bright colors, medieval, 80's, movies, etc.) and stick with it throughout the wedding plan (themed invites, your dress and shoes, decor, food, etc.)
- Have a fun dance song played for the recessional and then ask that your bridal party dance down the aisle after your officiant pronounces you "man and wife."
- Wear a cocktail dress at the reception (and at the wedding too!).
- Instead of cake have a dessert bar that features you and your hubby's favorite desserts (even if they are Twinkies and Ho Ho's).
Whatever you decide to do on your big day remember that you want it to reflect you and your fiancé in a classy way; you don't want to show up on the next episode of "My Big Fat Redneck Wedding." Have fun and be creative!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Flower budget
The price of flowers can depend on where the flower is coming from as it may or may not be in season near you as well as how difficult it is to grow, etc. Most brides search the Internet and magazines for photos of bouquets that they love then take the pictures into a florist, unaware of what the cost might be. Here are a few tips on ways you can save on your flower budget:
- Downsize your containers. If you originally had a vase requiring 20 roses to give the right effect, consider choosing a smaller vase that needs only 5 roses. Also if you love peonies or garden roses (we love the "fluffy" look these two have), you'll definitely want a smaller container. These flowers are big and usually don't take much to give the look you want.
- A trend that has been in for the past couple of years is really cost effective: "going green." You can use ferns, ivy, eucalyptus, curly willow sticks, and many other plants that will save you money and give more of that natural look to your centerpieces.
- Try not to get hung up on a certain flower that costs $10 a head or getting attached to the idea of traditional centerpieces with 50 stems each. If your florist is good they'll be able to help you find a flower that's similiar to the one you want but for a lower cost. Daisies are great because they come in lots of colors, are inexpensive, and can be arranged in several different ways.
- Try to limit your centerpieces to have 1-3 flowers each. If your arrangements have more than that, then chances are your florist is having to order more than he or she needs which is going to cost you more. See if they can use the same flowers in your bouquets or in other arrangements used to decorate at the ceremony and/or reception site.
- If you want a variety of flowers you may want to consider using shorter vases instead of tall. They tend to have smaller openings and will require less flowers to make a pretty impression. If you love the look of tall flowers like hydrangeas or gladiolas, tall vases are great and curly willow, feathers, etc. can always be added to fill the space.
customized weddings,
party planning,
wedding trends,
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
¡Cinco de Mayo!
Whether your family hails from Mexico or not, the 5th of May is always reason to celebrate (just like March 17). Contrary to popular belief Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, but it commemorates the Mexican militia beating the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Whatever your reasons for celebrating the holiday, here are some pictures and tips from a cute little Cindo de Mayo set up we did with Pink Poppy Event Designs.
The Hispanic culture is all about bright colors so try to incorporate as much color into your motif as possible. We used this table as the food table with the large paper circles on the wall behind and then a donkey piñata in the center.
Shrimp cocktails and lemons
Green and orange Mexican sodas (cerveza and margaritas are also accpetable beverages)
Authentic homemade tamales are delicious and easy to find at the Mexican food markets. The peppers in the vase behind add some great color.
Hot tamales candy: they're both brightly colored and a spicy treat for your guests
Homemade salsa and blue corn tortilla chips (add more color than normal tortilla chips)
This is a bird's eye view of the table set up
Close up of the table. Umbrellas in drinks are always a cute detail to add.
Check out Pink Poppy's blog and have fun (be safe) celebrating this weekend!
cinco de mayo,
easy parties,
fun parties,
Mexican themed parties,
party planning,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Why stress
We've emphasised several times how stressful brides become while planning their wedding, but why is that? As young girls, we're told how magical and wonderful it will be when our prince comes along on his white steed and sweeps us off our feet, taking us away to his magical castle. Then we grow older and realize that prince charming doesn't really exist and if he does he isn't riding a horse, he's driving a Toyota. Life is messy and complicated, but we want our wedding day to be different. We want something wonderful and magical that describes how it should feel to be in love. We want a big party with our family and friends, celebrating the union we've made. We want an elegant and formal dinner to impress and shower our loved ones with thanks for helping us make this day possible. We want the fairytale.
In the movies fairytales don't come without a fight. The prince has to overcome a dragon or push the evil queen over a cliff, but in the end the man always gets his girl. Then the movie ends. We don't see how Cinderella planned her wedding; we just see her in this beautiful, puffy white dress. No one tells us how hard it is to pick the right caterer, the perfect cake flavors, the most amazing centerpieces, the most memorable favors. It's just one day, but we've made it up to be one of the most important days of our lives, and every detail has to be perfect.
Of course not every bride is like this. Some have a more go-with-the-flow attitude and are more than willing to delegate tasks to us at The Hamilton Event Center or to friends and family. That's why we strive to make our packages include as many things as possible so you only have to figure out a few small details. We're flexible enough that we let you choose the decor, but you don't have to worry about the set up or clean because we've got that covered. We'll help you in any way we can so that you don't have to stress over this special day. Let us make your wedding day memorable. We'll take on as much of the stress as you'll allow us so that you can relax and enjoy yourself.
Remember, if you're a last minute bride wanting a reception this summer we're offering 15% off all Reception Packages booked during the months of June, July, or August. Give us a call or email us today! 405.608.0342
In the movies fairytales don't come without a fight. The prince has to overcome a dragon or push the evil queen over a cliff, but in the end the man always gets his girl. Then the movie ends. We don't see how Cinderella planned her wedding; we just see her in this beautiful, puffy white dress. No one tells us how hard it is to pick the right caterer, the perfect cake flavors, the most amazing centerpieces, the most memorable favors. It's just one day, but we've made it up to be one of the most important days of our lives, and every detail has to be perfect.
Of course not every bride is like this. Some have a more go-with-the-flow attitude and are more than willing to delegate tasks to us at The Hamilton Event Center or to friends and family. That's why we strive to make our packages include as many things as possible so you only have to figure out a few small details. We're flexible enough that we let you choose the decor, but you don't have to worry about the set up or clean because we've got that covered. We'll help you in any way we can so that you don't have to stress over this special day. Let us make your wedding day memorable. We'll take on as much of the stress as you'll allow us so that you can relax and enjoy yourself.
Remember, if you're a last minute bride wanting a reception this summer we're offering 15% off all Reception Packages booked during the months of June, July, or August. Give us a call or email us today! 405.608.0342
customized weddings,
last minute weddings,
stress free,
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Last minute summer bride?
If you're recently engaged and wanting to get married this summer come to The Hamilton Event Center! We're offering a summer special: If you book your reception with us for the months of June, July, or August we'll give you 15% off! That can add up to a huge amount of savings! Here is a list of everything we include with our reception packages:
- Tables & Chairs (60" round tables and mahoghany Chiavari chairs)
- Floor-length Tabledrapes with Organza Toppers (you choose the colors to match your color scheme)
- Plates, Glasses, & Flatware (glass plates and real glasses, the silverware will be rolled into a white linen napkin for you and your guests' convenience)
- Draped Food & Cake Tables
- Ornate Silver Cake Stands (1 round and 1 square that will accommodate nearly every size and shape of cake)
- Toasting Flutes (you're welcome to bring in your own)
- Tea, Coffee, & Water (unlimited refills for you and your guests)
- Signature Punch served in our Silver Punch Bowl
- Swan Ice Sculpture (situated in the center of the buffet in a large tray of ice that you can put shrimp, fruits, or veggies on instead of on a tray)
- Fresh Floral & Candle Centerpieces (completely customized to your style)
- Multiple Glass Candy Containers (if you're doing a candy bar, we don't want you to have to purchase or a rent any extra containers)
- Multiple Servers (they take care of refilling the food on the buffet table as well as clearing away dirty plates and glasses and cutting and serving your cakes)
- Room Hostess (she makes sure that things flow smoothly the entire night)
- Microphone & Sound System (for any announcements, speeches, etc. that need to be made; our sound system includes mp3 player and laptop hookup and a Blue Ray DVD player)
- Setup and Cleanup (we will have everything setup and ready for you and your guests upon arrival, and we will clean up everything once you and your guests have left)
- Food (this can come from any caterer, restaurant, cook it yourselves, premade trays--whatever type of food you want)
- Cakes (again, these can come from any vendor, but remember, we have the cake stands here)
- Photographer
- DJ (we have mp3 player and laptop hookup if you want to save on the cost of a dj and just bring in your own music to play through our speakers)
- Alcohol (bring in whatever wine or beer you want, the size of cup you want it poured into, and we will have a table set up for everything to be out on so guests can serve themselves; or hire an ABLE-licensed bartender to serve mixed drinks and manage a cash bar)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Mornings shouldn't be rushed
Feeling rushed in the mornings? Here are some easy tips to save you some time and to start your day off with less stress.
1. Wrap your wet hair in a towel (you can get a super-absorbent one at Sephora) and let it dry as naturally as possible for as long as possible while you get dressed and eat some breakfast. This also gives your bathroom time to let all that hot air out so when you return to dry your hair it won't feel like a sauna.
2. When prepping for your make up think about skipping the toner and eye cream. You can use those at night when your skin has more time to repair, but it's not necessary in the morning.
3. Try using makeup that does two things at once: concealer and foundation, cheek and lip tint, and give mascara a little wiggle at the at the base of your lashes to give a subtle line instead of using eyeliner.
4. If you didn't eat breakfast in Step 1 here's a quick and easy meal idea: on Sunday buy 5 containers of Greek yogurt then scoop 1/3 cup of a high in fiber, low fat cereal into 5 snack-size plastic. Then on each morning of the work week toss a yogurt and a cereal bag into your purse to enjoy at your desk at work.
5. Studies now show that you don't need to stretch before working out; just do some light cardio before your weight training. Do 15 repetitions and 3 sets of the following: crunches, push-ups, tricep dips (use a stable chair), squats, and lunges. Make sure all movements are slow and controlled.
1. Wrap your wet hair in a towel (you can get a super-absorbent one at Sephora) and let it dry as naturally as possible for as long as possible while you get dressed and eat some breakfast. This also gives your bathroom time to let all that hot air out so when you return to dry your hair it won't feel like a sauna.
2. When prepping for your make up think about skipping the toner and eye cream. You can use those at night when your skin has more time to repair, but it's not necessary in the morning.
3. Try using makeup that does two things at once: concealer and foundation, cheek and lip tint, and give mascara a little wiggle at the at the base of your lashes to give a subtle line instead of using eyeliner.
4. If you didn't eat breakfast in Step 1 here's a quick and easy meal idea: on Sunday buy 5 containers of Greek yogurt then scoop 1/3 cup of a high in fiber, low fat cereal into 5 snack-size plastic. Then on each morning of the work week toss a yogurt and a cereal bag into your purse to enjoy at your desk at work.
5. Studies now show that you don't need to stretch before working out; just do some light cardio before your weight training. Do 15 repetitions and 3 sets of the following: crunches, push-ups, tricep dips (use a stable chair), squats, and lunges. Make sure all movements are slow and controlled.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Is your bra doing its job?
So many women suffer from wearing the wrong kind of bra. Whether it wrinkles in the cups, the underwire pokes your side, the band rides up, or you're spilling out the cups, it's an issue that is easily fixed. At home in a non-padded bra or braless, measure directly under the bust (or around the bottom of the band if you're in a bra). Make sure the tape measure is level and snug. Round to the nearest whole number. If the number is even, add 4 inches. If it's odd, add 5 inches. This is your band size.
Now wrap the measuring tape loosely around the fullest part of your chest (at the nipple). Round to the nearest whole number, and this is your bust measurement.
Finally to calculate your cup size subtract your band size from your bust measurement then refer to the chart below. Example 37 inches bust -- 34 inches band = 3 inches which is a 34C.
Now wrap the measuring tape loosely around the fullest part of your chest (at the nipple). Round to the nearest whole number, and this is your bust measurement.
Finally to calculate your cup size subtract your band size from your bust measurement then refer to the chart below. Example 37 inches bust -- 34 inches band = 3 inches which is a 34C.
The difference in inches: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Your cup size is: AA A B C D DD DDD,F G
Here are the types of bras you should be wearing based on your cup size.
If you have an A cup:
A bra that molds to what you have or a soft-cup style with or without underwire for a more natural look. For a believable and not over enhanced push-up, choose pads that sit at the base of the cups and not the sides.
If you have a B or C cup:
Make sure your bra is made of sturdy material. Avoid anything flimsy or stretch otherwise you won't get the right support. If you want more shaping choose a bra with a vertical seam that goes down the center of the cup.
If you have a D cup or larger:
Choose bras with cups that have 3-part construction with vertical and horizontal seams so you can get more lift and shaping. For a smoother look under clothing choose a molded T-shirt bra with boning on each side of the band or reinforced panels inside the cups to get your breasts front and center.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Say cheese!
Who you pick to photograph your wedding is important. You'll be showing off that wedding album for years to come (Facebook, new friends, kids, grandkids). So we have some tips on how to pick the right photographer as well as making sure the photos turn out beautiful!
1. When you're meeting with potential photographers ask to see photos from 5 or 6 weddings, including photos from the last wedding they did. Photographers typically only show off their best work.
2. The rule is typically 1 photographer per 100 guests. If you're going with just 1 see if they have an assistant (different from a second photographer) who can help set up shots and handle equipment.
3. Picking out the right wedding package can be overwhelming. Try to pick out the one that has the most of what you want (do you really want 100 wallet-sized photos?). You can always order more. Most photographers these days give you a CD so if you want to order more from Walmart you can.
4. Things to include in your contract:
6. Weddings can be chaotic and 50 things are going on at the same time. The photographer might miss an amazing moment you and your friends had. If it's important to you to catch that moment on film, ask everyone involved to recreate it so the photographer can catch it.
7. Think about renting a photobooth. The picture quality is good, and this will keep your guests entertained as well as giving them something memorable to take home. You can still have a photographer for the wedding and for capturing special moments like cutting the cake and dancing with your dad.
8. You can definitely ask your photographer to dress appropriately for your wedding, but be aware that they need to be comfortable so no tuxedos or ballgowns. Most wear either all black or black pants with a white shirt so they don't stand out.
1. When you're meeting with potential photographers ask to see photos from 5 or 6 weddings, including photos from the last wedding they did. Photographers typically only show off their best work.
2. The rule is typically 1 photographer per 100 guests. If you're going with just 1 see if they have an assistant (different from a second photographer) who can help set up shots and handle equipment.
3. Picking out the right wedding package can be overwhelming. Try to pick out the one that has the most of what you want (do you really want 100 wallet-sized photos?). You can always order more. Most photographers these days give you a CD so if you want to order more from Walmart you can.
4. Things to include in your contract:
- Everyone's contact information
- Dates, times, and addresses of all wedding locations
- Name of and contact information for a backup photographer
- Package details
- Date the proofs will be available
- Photographer's copyright policy (do they care if you take the CD to Walmart for more prints?)
- When and how you will receive your album, prints, or CDs
- Total cost (itemized)
- Reordering prices
- Deposit amount
- Payment due dates
- Cancellation and refund policy
6. Weddings can be chaotic and 50 things are going on at the same time. The photographer might miss an amazing moment you and your friends had. If it's important to you to catch that moment on film, ask everyone involved to recreate it so the photographer can catch it.
7. Think about renting a photobooth. The picture quality is good, and this will keep your guests entertained as well as giving them something memorable to take home. You can still have a photographer for the wedding and for capturing special moments like cutting the cake and dancing with your dad.
8. You can definitely ask your photographer to dress appropriately for your wedding, but be aware that they need to be comfortable so no tuxedos or ballgowns. Most wear either all black or black pants with a white shirt so they don't stand out.
wedding pictures,
wedding trends,
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
To have and to hold.... What's my line?
Of the many details that go in to planning a wedding, one of the most overlooked is the writing of the vows. Couples tend to wait until the last minute which usually results in telling the officiant to just use some traditional vows. Your vows should reflect the two of you and your relationship. Using the traditional vows off the Internet is fine, but what you say to one another should be more than just words. Think about sitting down with your officiant and talking about what matters most to the two of you. Faith, love, commitment, trust--all important and personal to each couple. If you don't have an officiant yet, take time as a couple to discuss how you want your vows to relfect the two of you then pick an officiant who will best honor your wishes.
Also you can consider incorporating your parents or even all the guests in to your vows. Have your officiant ask if your parents will support and encourage you. Face your guests and position your officiant with his back to them so they can see your faces. You might even consider having the groom wear a wireless mic that will pick up everything the two of you say.
wedding trends,
weddings and movies
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Last week we talked about having alcohol at your reception so it's only right that we now talk about the food. There are a few things you need to think about before you decide what to serve at your reception such as which dining option is right for you. You'll need to decide when and where you are getting married. Think about what food will be in season and easy to access. Such as having a wedding in Oklahoma in January and wanting king-crab legs. Think about having food from farmers markets, and Oklahoma is known for having several good wineries that would be happy to cater to your reception to show off their product.
Once that is decided you can figure out which dining option works best for you: sit-down dinner, buffet, cocktail party, or a casual barbeque. Each comes with its own pros and cons, and each fits a certain couple. If you're quiet and reserved and want to relax at your reception, a sit-down dinner is often best. If you're wanting to keep things small and casual, think about having an outdoor barbeque.
Also you'll need to consider how much each guest is going to cost you. If you're wanting a four course meal but can only spend $10 per person, you may need to reevaluate. Think about doing cocktails and hors d'oeuvres for a larger reception. This is ideal for couples who are wanting more dancing and mingling and less eating.
Don't forget that this is your reception. That means the buffet or dinner should have foods that you like. This isn't the time to worry about your diet or your waistline. But, just a warning, if you're both in to Thai food but have guests or family members who only eat burgers and steaks you may want to have a mix of Thai and a few American foods to appease those guests. Last but not least, have fun with the food options. If you think mini hamburgers are adorable, go for it!
Once that is decided you can figure out which dining option works best for you: sit-down dinner, buffet, cocktail party, or a casual barbeque. Each comes with its own pros and cons, and each fits a certain couple. If you're quiet and reserved and want to relax at your reception, a sit-down dinner is often best. If you're wanting to keep things small and casual, think about having an outdoor barbeque.
Also you'll need to consider how much each guest is going to cost you. If you're wanting a four course meal but can only spend $10 per person, you may need to reevaluate. Think about doing cocktails and hors d'oeuvres for a larger reception. This is ideal for couples who are wanting more dancing and mingling and less eating.
Don't forget that this is your reception. That means the buffet or dinner should have foods that you like. This isn't the time to worry about your diet or your waistline. But, just a warning, if you're both in to Thai food but have guests or family members who only eat burgers and steaks you may want to have a mix of Thai and a few American foods to appease those guests. Last but not least, have fun with the food options. If you think mini hamburgers are adorable, go for it!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Over the past decade receptions have become much grander. In the past the bride and groom had cake and punch and that was it. Now it's all about the food and alcohol, and when it comes to both you want to impress your guests, but you don't want to spend a fortune. Here are a few tips on how you can have alcohol at your reception without breaking the bank.
1. Create a specialty cocktail. While this seems like it might be more expensive, it can actually limit the amount of alcohol going in to each drink. One bottle of vodka could yield 50 servings of your drink (mix with juices, triple sec, etc.) or it could only fulfill 25 vodka tonics.
2. Get the most popular liquors like vodka and gin and don't offer scotch, rum, etc.
3. Instead of a champagne toast, have guests raise a glass of whatever they're already drinking.
4. Try having a beer cocktail as your signature drink. Beer is cheaper than liquor and when mixed with a little bit of flavored vodka and a liquer it's just as delicious.
5. Or just have a beer and wine bar, cutting out liquor all together.
6. Make your own sangria. Pick a cheap red wine and add brandy, triple sec, apples, plums, grapes, and lemons or a cheap white wine and add triple sec, green grapes, kiwi, green melon, and pears. You can also add sugar to taste. With all those extra goodies in there guests won't notice that you only spent $7 per bottle instead of $30.
7. Think about choosing a venue (like us) that allows you to bring your own alcohol and doesn't limit you to using their bartender. That way you can stock up on "wine Wednesdays" deals and look for other deals liquor stores offer.
8. Buy a few bags of 9 oz punch cups instead of renting a bunch of glassware. If you're having an open bar guests won't care what type of glass their drink comes in. If you're having a cash bar they still won't care. Alcohol is alcohol.
1. Create a specialty cocktail. While this seems like it might be more expensive, it can actually limit the amount of alcohol going in to each drink. One bottle of vodka could yield 50 servings of your drink (mix with juices, triple sec, etc.) or it could only fulfill 25 vodka tonics.
2. Get the most popular liquors like vodka and gin and don't offer scotch, rum, etc.
3. Instead of a champagne toast, have guests raise a glass of whatever they're already drinking.
4. Try having a beer cocktail as your signature drink. Beer is cheaper than liquor and when mixed with a little bit of flavored vodka and a liquer it's just as delicious.
5. Or just have a beer and wine bar, cutting out liquor all together.
6. Make your own sangria. Pick a cheap red wine and add brandy, triple sec, apples, plums, grapes, and lemons or a cheap white wine and add triple sec, green grapes, kiwi, green melon, and pears. You can also add sugar to taste. With all those extra goodies in there guests won't notice that you only spent $7 per bottle instead of $30.
7. Think about choosing a venue (like us) that allows you to bring your own alcohol and doesn't limit you to using their bartender. That way you can stock up on "wine Wednesdays" deals and look for other deals liquor stores offer.
8. Buy a few bags of 9 oz punch cups instead of renting a bunch of glassware. If you're having an open bar guests won't care what type of glass their drink comes in. If you're having a cash bar they still won't care. Alcohol is alcohol.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wedding Trends
Here are some upcoming wedding trends we found:
With 2 Snow White-inspired movies coming out this year and the beautiful "Twilight" wedding last year, it's no wonder that this year's dresses are off the shoulder, have longer sleeves, have lots of lace, and offer alluring romance.
Bouquets are also following the Snow White trend as well as all the hype over Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit." So think ethereal, woodsy, and "fluffy": English garden roses and peonies with greenery and natural sprigs.
Pastels are making a huge comeback this spring so for invitations and table settings use watercolors especially in lavender and light pink.
Have you read the young adult not-just-for-young-adults book "The Hunger Games"? If you said no, you'd better run out and grab the entire trilogy before the movie hits theaters this March. And no, these books have nothing to do with what food to serve at your reception; instead, they have everything to do with your bachelor and bachelorette parties. Ladies are attending self-defense classes, learning to drive like a member of Nascar, and learning how to survive in the wild. Gentlemen are also learning to drive like they're in Nascar as well as playing poker.
This year it's all about flaunting your best assets, like Marilyn Monroe did with her signature red lips and tighter-than-the-norm skirts. If you love your legs, be daring and get a dress with a slit. If you love your bottom half, go for a mermaid dress. You know your body, so flaunt what you got!
As for photography, it's less about photoshop and "artist" angles and more about formal and classy. Try getting a panoramic shot of you and all of your guests!
Now this one sounds like fun! A high-class reception on a ranch! Not necessarily in a barn, but that would be a definite plus to have the food and cake set up inside and have the doors open to the seating outside. Ways to keep it classy: bring in chandeliers, beautiful flowers (roses, lilies, gardenias), and delicious food (something fancy like quail).
One of the classic love stories of all time, "When Harry Met Sally," inspires this next trend: make a video that details your own love story. You can either send snippets of the video out with e-save-the-dates and/or show the video at your reception; don't forget to film the guests while they're watching so you can save the reactions.
Brides are feeling a bit adventurous this year and are booking honeymoons that don't just take them to one destination but take them on a journey around the world. This is your first big as a married couple, and what better way to spend it than by experiencing a ton of new and exciting cultures together?
With 2 Snow White-inspired movies coming out this year and the beautiful "Twilight" wedding last year, it's no wonder that this year's dresses are off the shoulder, have longer sleeves, have lots of lace, and offer alluring romance.
Bouquets are also following the Snow White trend as well as all the hype over Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit." So think ethereal, woodsy, and "fluffy": English garden roses and peonies with greenery and natural sprigs.
Pastels are making a huge comeback this spring so for invitations and table settings use watercolors especially in lavender and light pink.
Have you read the young adult not-just-for-young-adults book "The Hunger Games"? If you said no, you'd better run out and grab the entire trilogy before the movie hits theaters this March. And no, these books have nothing to do with what food to serve at your reception; instead, they have everything to do with your bachelor and bachelorette parties. Ladies are attending self-defense classes, learning to drive like a member of Nascar, and learning how to survive in the wild. Gentlemen are also learning to drive like they're in Nascar as well as playing poker.
This year it's all about flaunting your best assets, like Marilyn Monroe did with her signature red lips and tighter-than-the-norm skirts. If you love your legs, be daring and get a dress with a slit. If you love your bottom half, go for a mermaid dress. You know your body, so flaunt what you got!
As for photography, it's less about photoshop and "artist" angles and more about formal and classy. Try getting a panoramic shot of you and all of your guests!
Now this one sounds like fun! A high-class reception on a ranch! Not necessarily in a barn, but that would be a definite plus to have the food and cake set up inside and have the doors open to the seating outside. Ways to keep it classy: bring in chandeliers, beautiful flowers (roses, lilies, gardenias), and delicious food (something fancy like quail).
One of the classic love stories of all time, "When Harry Met Sally," inspires this next trend: make a video that details your own love story. You can either send snippets of the video out with e-save-the-dates and/or show the video at your reception; don't forget to film the guests while they're watching so you can save the reactions.
Brides are feeling a bit adventurous this year and are booking honeymoons that don't just take them to one destination but take them on a journey around the world. This is your first big as a married couple, and what better way to spend it than by experiencing a ton of new and exciting cultures together?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Colors schemes
Picking a color scheme can definitely be overwhelming. There are so many beautiful colors to choose from! And what if you're not the best at picking what goes best with what...? Sometimes you'll run across something in a store that inspires you, but if you're stuck try picking your favorite color and look below to see what colors might make the best complements.

Pale green with silver-gray and Baby blue with bright blue
dark purple and navy blue

Mossy green with light aqua Peacock blue with white
and navy blue and lemon yellow

Emerald green with chartreuse Navy blue with hot pink
and chocolate brown and lime green

Pale lavender with white Baby pink with hot pink
and raspberry red and mossy green

Bright purple with khaki Medium pink with mustard
and mocha brown yellow and chocolate brown

Eggplant with baby blue Strawberry with turquoise
and chambray blue and white

Peach with raspberry and Pale yellow with strawberry
mocha brown and velvet red

Coral with khaki and pale aqua Bright yellow with charcoal gray and white

Orange with pale pink and Mustard yellow with bright blue
hot pink and chambray blue
Here at The Hamilton Event Center when you come in to see us we'll have 10 tables set up in different color schemes so either you'll see a color you've already picked out or you'll find something that hopefully inspires you.
Pale green with silver-gray and Baby blue with bright blue
dark purple and navy blue
Mossy green with light aqua Peacock blue with white
and navy blue and lemon yellow
Emerald green with chartreuse Navy blue with hot pink
and chocolate brown and lime green
Pale lavender with white Baby pink with hot pink
and raspberry red and mossy green
Bright purple with khaki Medium pink with mustard
and mocha brown yellow and chocolate brown
Eggplant with baby blue Strawberry with turquoise
and chambray blue and white
Peach with raspberry and Pale yellow with strawberry
mocha brown and velvet red
Coral with khaki and pale aqua Bright yellow with charcoal gray and white
Orange with pale pink and Mustard yellow with bright blue
hot pink and chambray blue
Here at The Hamilton Event Center when you come in to see us we'll have 10 tables set up in different color schemes so either you'll see a color you've already picked out or you'll find something that hopefully inspires you.
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